'installed' => $is_reviews_installed,
'activated' => is_plugin_active( $reviews_plugin ),
'plugin' => $reviews_plugin,
'download_plugin' => 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/reviews-feed.zip',
'instagram' => array(
'displayName' => __( 'Instagram', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'name' => __( 'Instagram Feed', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'author' => __( 'By Smash Balloon', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'description' => __('To display an Instagram feed, our Instagram plugin is required. It provides a clean and beautiful way to add your Instagram posts to your website. Grab your visitors attention and keep them engaged with your site longer.', 'custom-facebook-feed'),
'dashboard_permalink' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=sb-instagram-feed' ),
'svgIcon' => '',
'installed' => $is_instagram_installed,
'activated' => is_plugin_active( $instagram_plugin ),
'plugin' => $instagram_plugin,
'download_plugin' => 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/instagram-feed.zip',
'twitter' => array(
'displayName' => __( 'Twitter', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'name' => __( 'Twitter Feed', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'author' => __( 'By Smash Balloon', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'description' => __('Custom Twitter Feeds is a highly customizable way to display tweets from your Twitter account. Promote your latest content and update your site content automatically.', 'custom-facebook-feed'),
'dashboard_permalink' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=custom-twitter-feeds' ),
'svgIcon' => '',
'installed' => $is_twitter_installed,
'activated' => is_plugin_active( $twitter_plugin ),
'plugin' => $twitter_plugin,
'download_plugin' => 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/custom-twitter-feeds.zip',
'youtube' => array(
'displayName' => __( 'YouTube', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'name' => __( 'Feeds for YouTube', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'author' => __( 'By Smash Balloon', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'description' => __( 'To display a YouTube feed, our YouTube plugin is required. It provides a simple yet powerful way to display videos from YouTube on your website, Increasing engagement with your channel while keeping visitors on your website.', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'dashboard_permalink' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=youtube-feed' ),
'svgIcon' => '',
'installed' => $is_youtube_installed,
'activated' => is_plugin_active( $youtube_plugin ),
'plugin' => $youtube_plugin,
'download_plugin' => 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/feeds-for-youtube.zip',
* For Other Platforms listed on the footer widget
* @return array
* @since 4.0
public static function builder_svg_icons() {
$builder_svg_icons = [
'youtube' => '',
'twitter' => '',
'instagram' => '',
'facebook' => '',
'smash' => '',
'tag' => '',
'copy' => '',
'duplicate' => '',
'edit' => '',
'delete' => '',
'checkmark' => '',
'checkmarklarge'=> '',
'information' => '',
'cog' => '',
'angleUp' => '',
'user_check' => '',
'users' => '',
'info' => '',
'list' => '',
'grid' => '',
'masonry' => '',
'carousel' => '',
'desktop' => '',
'tablet' => '',
'mobile' => '',
'feed_layout' => '',
'color_scheme' => '',
'header' => '',
'layout' => '',
'article' => '',
'article_2' => '',
'like_box' => '',
'load_more' => '',
'lightbox' => '',
'source' => '',
'filter' => '',
'update' => '',
'sun' => '',
'moon' => '',
'visual' => '',
'text' => '',
'background' => '',
'cursor' => '',
'link' => '',
'thumbnail' => '',
'halfwidth' => '',
'fullwidth' => '',
'boxed' => '',
'corner' => '',
'preview' => '',
'flag' => '',
'copy2' => '',
'timelineIcon' => '',
'photosIcon' => '',
'videosIcon' => '',
'albumsIcon' => '',
'eventsIcon' => '',
'reviewsIcon' => '',
'featuredpostIcon' => '',
'singlealbumIcon' => '',
'socialwallIcon' => '',
'addPage' => '',
'addWidget' => '',
'plus' => '',
'facebookShare' => '',
'twitterShare' => '',
'linkedinShare' => '',
'mailShare' => '',
'successNotification' => '',
'errorNotification' => '',
'messageNotification' => '',
'albumsPreview' => '',
'featuredPostPreview' => '',
'issueSinglePreview' => '',
'playButton' => '',
'spinner' => '',
'rocket' => '',
'rocketPremium' => '',
'rocketPremiumBlue' => '',
'defaultFTIcon' => '',
'singleMasonryFTIcon' => ' ',
'widgetFTIcon' => ' ',
'simpleCardsFTIcon' => '',
'latestPostFTIcon' => '',
'showcaseCarouselFTIcon' => ' ',
'simpleCarouselFTIcon' => ' ',
'ctaBoxes' => array(
'gallery' => '',
'like' => '',
'feedTypes' => CFF_PLUGIN_URL . 'admin/assets/img/feed-types.svg',
'loadMore' => ''
'reviewsIconFree' => '',
'featuredpostIconFree' => '',
'singlealbumIconFree' => '',
'socialwallIconFree' => '',
'photosIconFree' => '',
'videosIconFree' => '',
'albumsIconFree' => '',
'eventsIconFree' => '',
return $builder_svg_icons;
* Color Overrides Manager
* @return array
* @since 4.0
public static function get_color_overrides(){
return [
//Post Author
'heading' => __( 'Post Author', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['authorcolor'],
'enableViewAction' => [
'sections' => [
'id' => 'post_styling_author'
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Text', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'authorcolor'
//Post Text
'heading' => __( 'Post', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['textcolor'],
'enableViewAction' => [
'sections' => [
'id' => 'post_styling_text'
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Text', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'textcolor'
//Post Date
'heading' => __( 'Post Date', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['datecolor'],
'enableViewAction' => [
'sections' => [
'id' => 'post_styling_date'
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Text', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'datecolor'
//Likes Shares & Comments
'heading' => __( 'Likes, Shares and Comments', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['socialtextcolor','sociallinkcolor','socialbgcolor'],
'enableViewAction' => [
'sections' => [
'id' => 'post_styling_social'
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Text', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'socialtextcolor'
'heading' => __( 'Link', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'sociallinkcolor'
'heading' => __( 'Background', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'socialbgcolor'
//Event Title
'heading' => __( 'Event Title', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['eventtitlecolor'],
'enableViewAction' => [
'sections' => [
'id' => 'post_styling_eventtitle'
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Text', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'eventtitlecolor'
//Event Details
'heading' => __( 'Event Details', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['eventdetailscolor'],
'enableViewAction' => [
'sections' => [
'id' => 'post_styling_eventdetails'
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Text', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'eventdetailscolor'
'heading' => __( 'Post Action Links', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['linkcolor'],
'enableViewAction' => [
'sections' => [
'id' => 'post_styling_link'
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Text', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'linkcolor'
'heading' => __( 'Shared Post', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['desccolor'],
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Text', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'desccolor'
'heading' => __( 'Shared Link Box', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'elements' => ['linkbgcolor','linktitlecolor','linkdesccolor','linkurlcolor'],
'enableViewAction' => [
'sections' => [
'id' => 'post_styling_sharedlinks'
'controls' => [
'heading' => __( 'Background', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'linkbgcolor'
'heading' => __( 'Title', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'linktitlecolor'
'heading' => __( 'Description', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'linkdesccolor'
'heading' => __( 'Url', 'custom-facebook-feed' ),
'id' => 'linkurlcolor'
public static function get_social_wall_links() {
return array(
'' . __( 'All Feeds', 'custom-facebook-feed' ) . '',
'' . __( 'Settings', 'custom-facebook-feed' ) . '',
'' . __( 'oEmbeds', 'custom-facebook-feed' ) . '',
'' . __( 'Extensions', 'custom-facebook-feed' ) . '',
'' . __( 'About Us', 'custom-facebook-feed' ) . '',
'' . __( 'Support', 'custom-facebook-feed' ) . '',
* Feed Builder Wrapper.
* @since 4.0
public function feed_builder(){
include_once CFF_BUILDER_DIR . 'templates/builder.php';